
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is UltraLube?
    UltraLube is a special lubricant, it is a liquid formulation that can be readily brushed, sprayed, rolled, flowed or dipped, it is a two pack formulation, the base and the solvent. It quickly forms a layer of dry solid lubricant, which also protects the bearing surfaces in cases of normal lubrication failures against dust, grit, and corrosive chemicals.
  2. How to apply UltraLube film?
    Clean the Bearing surface by a solvent or any other method to remove all grease and oil. Sand blasting of the surface is the most recommended method for the surface preparation. Spray one coat of UltraLube diluted with the solvent, in the ration 1:1 and allow to dry for thirty minutes before applying a second coat. Polish the coated surface with a cloth before fitment.
  3. Is conventional lubrication required with UltraLube?
    UltraLube is a complete lubrication system, but conventional lubrication should be continued. The solid film of lubrication plays a vital role when conventional lubrication system fails.
  4. What is working temperature range of UltraLube?
    UltraLube can resist high and low temperatures and does not drip off at high temperatures. It lubricates effectively in a wide temperature range of –50 °C to 200 °C.
  5. Does the UltraLube film attract dust etc. like conventional lubrications?
    UltraLube resist conditions that cause failure of most lubricants namely dust, grit, high and low temperatures. In short, its solid state does not attract dust, grit, etc.
  6. Does UltraLube protect?
    UltraLube not only fights frictions but also protects the surface from corrosion and that too so well that it is used in many applications for that purpose alone. It resists moisture and can withstand weathering, water, rain, acid, alkalies and fumes.
  7. Does UltraLube squeeze out like conventional lubricants?
    UltraLube film does not squeeze out as their bonding is perfect and the film is in a solid state, so the bearing surface always stays lubricated even under very heavy pressure.
  8. Does UltraLube conduct heat and electricity?
    The UltraLube conducts both heat and electricity effectively.
  9. What is the coverage of UltraLube?
    UltraLube, when sprayed to a thickness of 5 mils covers @ 75 Sq. Ft. per litre and dries in @30 minutes.
  10. What is the availability of UltraLube?
    UltraLube is available in 20 litres and 50 litres packing.


UltraLube is prepared in liquid formulation that can be readily brushed, sprayed, rolled, flowed or dipped. It bonds quickly on the surface. Proper surface preparation is basic to any coating application, so remove oil, grease, before using UltraLube. The user should be guided by the type of surface to be lubricated, the time and effort required to clean that surface and the ready availability of equipment or products needed to do so. Surface preparation suggestions are provided below.

Sand Blasting

This produces a very fine finish and should be considered if the surface is in very poor condition. It is suggested a coat of UltraLube be applied as soon as possible to prevent new rust formation.


A variety of tools can be used to perform this function. In many instances a scarper knife will produce the desired results. All loose scale, rust and dirt should be removed and the surface wiped with a cloth or waste. This cloth could be saturated with a fast-drying non –residual type solvent.

However, where it is not possible or practical to produce an ideally clean surface, a reasonably clean surface will be suitable. In time, oily and greasy surfaces will dry out and the full benefit of UltraLube will be realised.

UltraLube resists conditions that cause failure of most lubricants namely dust, grit, high and low temperatures, pressure and chemical conditions and is formulated to provide efficient and effective lubrication in the most difficult environments.

UltraLube resists high and low temperatures and will not drip off or melt off at high temperature or freeze in sub-zero climates. It lubricates effectively and efficiently in a wide temperature range of –50 °C to 200 °C.

UltraLube not only fights friction but also protects the surface from corrosion and rust and that too
so well that, it is used as a protective coating in many applications.

UltraLube dries in minutes forming a tough, slippery, durable and flexible coating that will not pick up abrasive dust or grit, and will not squeeze out under heavy load or pressure.

UltraLube resists moisture and can withstand weathering, water, rain, alkalies, and fumes.


v     It reduces sliding friction drastically.

v     It ability to withstand extreme temperature makes it an ideal lubricant for sub-zero temperatures
as well as for high temperatures.

v     Its solid state allows it to withstand extreme pressure without being squeezed out of load bearing surfaces.

v     Its dry form does not attract any dust and grit which makes it ideal for use in open systems.

v     Its chemical stability protects the surface against salt, air, acids and fumes. Hence is ideal for use in corrosive conditions not only as a lubricant but also for surface protection.

v     Its weathering properties, moisture and water repellence and opaqueness to ultra-violet rays, visible and IR radiation makes it ideal choice for use in solar energy and sliding contacts.

v     It outlasts conventional lubricants by 10 to 1 hence proving most economical and useful for lubrication on inaccessible areas.


(The Abrasion and Chemical Resistant Protective Coating.)
(Converts soft surfaces to sapphire hard)

Ultra-Coat is a matrix specially formulated mixture of Sapphire-hard spherical High Alumina Micro Beads doped in epoxy resin. Ultra-Coat is protective coating, providing a surface resistant to sliding abrasion and chemical attack (except Hydroflouric Acid).
Ultra-Coat’s thixotropic formulation permits both vertical and horizontal application. In addition, Ultra-coat can be cast or moulded into a variety of shapes and patterns.

Physical Data

Composition Ultra-Coat consists 85% concentration of Aluminium Oxide sapphire hard spherical micro beads suspended in specially formulated epoxy resin.
Bead size Average Bead size 1.2 / 1.7mm.
Hardness Micro Spherical Beads are the major part of the system of Ultra-Coat matrix. Hardness of Beads is 9 on mhos Scale.
Vertical Resistance @ 21°C (70°F) 6mm thick application coating No Sag. Special blending results in a stiff mix for over head or vertical with good spreadibility.
Compressive strength(ASTM 695) 12,000 lb/in². (840 Kg/cm²)
Flexural Strength (ASTM 790) 10,000 lb/in². (700 Kg/cm²)
Tensile Strength (ASTM 307) 3,000 lb/in². (210 Kg/cm²)
Composite shore D. Durometer Hardness
(ASTM D-2240)
Impact strength for minimum of 5 mm thickness layer (As per Din standard 53453) 15 kg/m².
However the coating can withstand movement load of 5-6 tons/sq.mtr if applied on floor.
Ultra-Coat Pot life
@21°C (70°F)
30 to 45 minutes from the time of mix preparation.
Setting Time Approximately 6 Hours at @21°C (70°F)
Curing Time Approximately 24 Hours at @21°C (70°F)
Max. use temperature 85°C / 182°F ( Continuous)
Approximate surface 1 Kg Ultra-Coat covers Approximately (¼”) 6mm thick layer of Coverage ( 1 sq. ft.) 0.1 square mtr surface area. However it depends on surface
Shelf life of Ultra matrix 1 Year
Shelf life for Hardener 8 Months.
Colour Off White
Packaging Ultra-Coat matrix and hardener are packed separately in strong air tight plastic containers size 10 Kgs & 25 Kgs.

Salient features

Ultra-Coat is most ideal coating wherever high wear retards Production and Boosts Costs, such as Launder and Feed Chutes, Chute linings, Rod and Ball mills, Feed Plates, Pan Feeders, Conveyor Skirts and Buckets, Dust Collectors and Cyclones, Soil and Rock Box outlets, Hoppers, Classifiers, Pipe and Slurry line Elbows, Coal Exhausters, Chip Cyclones, ID fan housings in the Coal Power, Sand and Gravel, Grain, Mineral processing Chemical and Paper Industries etc.


–> Increases Equipment life
–> Saves down time
–> Reduces Operating Cost
–> Can be cast – molded
–> Out-performs other wear Coatings
–> Cost-Effective
–> Excellent to Convert soft surfaces in to corrosion, abrasive and Chemical resistant.

Processs of Application

ULTRA-COAT can be applied on any Ferrous-Non ferrous metals, ceramics, stone, concrete, plastics, wood etc. surfaces to convert them to sapphire hard, chemical and corrosion resistant.

SURFACE TREATMENT : Before applying Ultra-Coat on any surface, clean the surface area thoroughly make it free from rust, grease, oil, paint etc. Roughen the surface with coarse-sand paper or sand blast with S.A. 2 1/2 grade sand blasting to ensure the surface is clean and rough enough for better adhesion.

MIXING HARDENER TO FORM ULTRA-COAT : Take 96 % by wt. of Ultra matrix and add 4 % by wt. of hardener, gradually mix them with spatula, when Ultra-Coat forms thick paste of tooth paste consistency start applying on surface and finish the Ultra-Coat stock in 30 minutes, do not add any liquid or water for thinning. If thinning is required, we recommend to add in the matrix 0.5 to 1 0% xylene or acetone solvent.

CURING TIME : After coating the surface with Ultra-Coat leave it for setting for minimum 6 hrs at ambient temp. Lower the ambient temp., longer the curing time, thick coating cures faster than thin coating due to build up of internal heat. If desired speedy setting, heat up the coated surface area gently at 50 to 60°C for 3-4 hours, after 24 hours of drying in room temperature Alumna-Coated surface will be serviceable.

TO ENSURE SERVICEABLE SURFACE : To ensure, whether coating is properly cured or not, pierce your finger nail into the Ultra-Coat, if nail fails to pierce in, it indicates coating is cured and surface is serviceable, otherwise leave it for further period to cure up.

CLEANING OF TOOLS : We recommend to clean tools mixing vessels etc. used in mixing Ultra matrix with Acetone or Xylene.

Chemical/Temperature resistant Chart for Ultra Coat

Temperature 150 °C
Acetic Acid R 50 %
Glacial Acetic Acid NR
Acetone NR
Aqueous Ammonia R 20 %
Benzyl Alcohol NR
Calcium Chloride R 20 %
Calcium Hydroxide R 30 %
Chlorine Gas NR
Chromic Acid R 10 %
Ethyl Acetate NR
Formaldehyde R 25%
Hydrochloric Acid R 5 %
Hydrochloric Acid NR 36 %
Lactic Acid R 5 %
Magnesium Chloride R 25%
Magnesium Sulphate R 25%
Maleic Acid R 30%
Methyl Ethyl Ketone NR
Nitric Acid R 25%
Oils & Minerals R
Oleic Acid R 30%
Oxalic Acid R 50%
Phosphoric Acid R 30%
Pthalic Acid R 25 %
Salicylic Acid R 30 %
Sulphuric Acid R 25 %
Toulene NR
Urea R 50%
Urine R 50%
Uric Acid R 50%
Water R
Xylene NR
Zinc Salts R 50%

*R – Indicates Recommended
*NR -Indicates Not Recommended

Food Products

Baby Food R
Beer R
Chocolate Syrup R
Coffee, Tea R
Gluten Flour R
Lard R
Orange Juice R
Milk & Milk Products R
Sugar & Sugar Solutions R
Spices R
Wine-Red R
Wine – White R

*R – Indicates Recommended
*NR -Indicates Not Recommended

Typical Properties of Ultra-Coat

Properties Units Ultra-Coat
Physical Properties
Nominal Composition 90% Al2O3
Colour Off white
Average Grain Size Micron 10
Specific Weight 3.5 – 3.55
Water absorbtion % 0
Flexural Strength Kg/Cm² 700
Compressive Strength Kg/Cm² 840
Young’s Modulus Kg/Cm² x 106 2.5
Hardness Moh’s 9
Thermal Properties
Co-efficient of thermal expansion (20-1000°C)x10-6 /°C 7.4
Thermal Shock resistance
(Down Shock DT)
°C 170
Thermal Conductivity(20°C) W/M°K 22
Safe Operating temperature °C 150°C
Electrical Properties
Dielectric strength (20°C) 5mm thick KV/mm 25
Dielectric strength (20°C: 1 MHz) 8.5
Dissipation Factor (20°C: 1 MHz) 0.0006
Volume Resistivity (20°C) Ohm-cm >1013
Te-Value °C 840

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ultra-Coat?

Ultra-Coat consists 85% concentration of Aluminium Oxide sapphire hard spherical micro beads suspended in specially formulated epoxy resin.

What are the advantages of Ultra-Coat?

Ultra-Coat provides a protective coating, providing a surface resistant to sliding Abrasion and Chemical attack(except Hydroflouric Acid).

Where all can Ultra-Coat be applied?

Ultra-Coat can be applied on any ferrous/ non-ferrous metals, ceramics, stones, concrete, wood, etc. It is the most ideal coating wherever high wear retards Production and Boosts Costs, such as Launder and Feed Chutes, Chute linings, Rod and Ball mills, Feed Plates, Pan Feeders, Conveyor Skirts and Buckets, Dust Collectors and Cyclones, Soil and Rock Box outlets, Impellers, Hoppers, Classifiers, Pipe and Slurry line Elbows, Coal Exhausters, Chip Cyclones, ID fan housings in the Coal Power, Sand and Gravel, Grain, Mineral processing Chemical and Paper Industries etc.

Where all can Ultra-Coat be used?

Ultra-Coat thixotropic formulation permits both vertical and horizontal application and hence can be cast or moulded into a wide variety of shapes, patterns etc. and can be used at practically all places.

What is the Hardness of Ultra-Coat?

Ultra-Coat has a very high hardness 9 on mohs scale.

What is the curing time of Ultra-Coat Coating?

The setting time for Ultra-Coat is 6 hrs at ambient temperature. Lower the temperature, longer the curing time, thick coating cures faster than thin coating due to build up of internal heat. If desired speedy setting, heat up the coated surface area gently at 50° to 60° C for 3-4 hours, after 24 hrs of drying in room temperature Ultra-Coated surface will be serviceable.

Ensuring the surface serviceability?

To ensure, whether the coating is properly cured or not, pierce your finger nail into the Ultra-Coat, if nail fails to pierce in, it indicates coating is cured and surface is serviceable, otherwise leave it for further period for cure.

Can Ultra-Coat be used for patchwork?

Yes, Ultra-Coat can be used for patchwork also.

In what form is Ultra-Coat available?

It is available in the form of matrix and hardener, packed in easy to use containers.

How to mix matrix and hardener?

Mix 96% by Wt. of Ultra-Coat matrix with 4% by Wt. of hardener and gradually mix with spatula, when Ultra-Coat forms a thick paste of toothpaste consistency, it is ready for applying.

How can Ultra-Coat be applied?

Clean the surface thoroughly and make it free from rust, grease, oil, paint, etc. Roughen the surface with coarse-sand paper or sandblast. After ensuring that the surface is clean apply with a trowel.

At what temperatures can Ultra-Coat be used?

The safe operating temperature is 85°C but it can withstand temperatures as high as 150°C for short duration.

What is the coverage of Ultra-Coat?

The specific gravity of Ultra-Coat is 3.50 to 3.55. A layer of One Sq. ft. with 6mm thickness of Ultra-Coat weighs @1Kg.

What is the economics of usage of Ultra-Coat?

Although the initial cost may seem high, the basic economics of usage of Ultra-Coat is the fact that there is practically zero downtime, thus leading to enhanced production. The economical bonus is the fact that costly equipment does not corrode or errode. Thus replacement of parts are greatly reduced. Hence Ultra-Coat is highly economical, over a period of time.

Oil less Bush

OilLess Bushes, Bush Bearings & Wear Plates

The Self-Lubricating OilLess Bushes are Graphite Embedded type bushes, Equi-sized and Equi-spaced holes are drilled all over the walls to cover approximately 25% of the total surface area, and are then plugged with graphite rods acting as solid lubricant which is constantly available for lubrication during the life time of the Bush. These are broadly categorised into three groups as per their Base Material namely

  1. OilLess Grade ZA#500 [Copper Based Alloy as Base Material]

  2. OilLess Grade ZA#1000 [ZA-27 as Base Material].

  3. OilLess Grade ZA#2000 [Steel Based Alloy as Base Material]

  1. OilLess Grade ZA#500:The Grade “ZA#500”, is a material where in a special high tensile strength copper based alloy is used as the base material. In this base material are inserts of a solid lubricant – GRAPHITE, These components can be used where operating temperatures are high and where corrosion resistance is required. They are similar to 500SP of Japan, Lubo 500 of US etc, etc.

  2. OilLess Grade ZA#1000:ZA-27 Graphite Embedded Bushes are recommended for use in areas where lubrication is a problem but operating temperatures are @75 °C. The general physical & mechanical properties of these Bushes are similar to ZA-27 and they have @20-25% solid Graphite in them. These Bushes are branded as Grade “ZA#1000”. They are not recommended for application in water.

  3. OilLess Grade ZA#2000: The Grade “ZA#2000”, is a material where in a special high tensile Steel based alloy is used as the base material. In this base material are inserts of a solid lubricant – GRAPHITE, These components can be used where operating temperatures are very high @400 °C.


We manufacture Non-ferrous parts of various range of bronzes like

  1. Phosphorus Bronze
  2. Aluminum Bronze
  3. Du Bronze
  4. Fe-Cu-Sn
  5. Gun Metal

Comparison of ZA-27 with other Non-Ferrous bearing alloys.

Specification Specific
Elongation Brinell
ZA-27 4.8 15 20 min. 2 min. 90/100
Gun Metal Lg2-C 8.7/8.8 8 12 min. 2 min. 55/66
Phos. Bronze 2B8 8.7 10 16 min. 1.5 min. 100
Phos. Bronze Pb 2-C 8.7 11 17 min. 3 min. 90 min.
Leaded Phos. Bronze LPB1-C 8.7 9 14 min. 1.5 min. 65/75
Leaded Bronze LB3 8.9 12 5 min. 60/70

Comparison of wear on ZA-27 Bushings and other bronzes.

Material Speed
Load Pressure
100 200 300
ZA-27 555 135 0.0005
850 175 0.0009
1420 200 0.001
Phos. Bronze 500 130 0.0024
850 175 0.0039
1420 200


(A superior and economical antifriction alloy)

ZA-27 is a Zn-Al-Cu-Sn etc. alloy with unparalleled bearing properties and silver in colour. The unusual anti-friction properties of ZA-27 brings about a very fine running surface and low temperature, whereby pivots and shafts are protected. Frictional load dissipation of energy is reduced in the use of bushings made of ZA-27 therefore this alloy is suitable and qualified for bushings for low and high speeds with light and/or heavy loads. ZA-27 can stand extreme conditions of shaft deflections and emergency starting and stopping conditions.
It is an ideal bearing material for heavy and light load pressures with low and high surface speeds.
The main factor in making ZA-27 economical is the fact that it has a specific gravity of 4.8 only as compared to 8.7 of other bronzes, which entails a considerable savings.
ZA-27 has all the qualities of bearing alloy i.e.








Hence ZA-27 is a technically superior and economically cheaper anifriction alloys as compared to Gun metal, Phos. Bronze, Leaded Bronze, Aluminium Bronze, Other Traditional Bronzes, Brasses, White Metal and Nylon.

ZA-27 is technically superior to the traditional bronze because of the following properties of ZA-27 .

  1. Higher Tensile Strength.
  2. Double thermal conductivity.
  3. Lower specific weight.
  4. Easy machinability.
  5. Four to Five times longer life than Phos. Bronze.

ZA-27 is cheaper even at initial purchase as its specific gravity is only 4.8. Thus if a particular bush in Phos. Bronze or Gun Metal weighs 10 Kgs then the identical bush in ZA-27 will weigh only 5.6 Kgs. Over and above the above stated fact ZA-27 is economical as its working life is 4 to 5 times longer than Phos. bronze.

Microstucture: ZA-27 has a hetrogenous structure i.e. hard particles in soft matrix In this case the hard ternary eutectic Cu-Al-Zn etc is in a soft binary matrix of Zn/Al. The microstructure is similar in form to the tin bronzes.

In case of ZA-27 the question of diffussion of copper into journal does not arise as :-

  1. It has a low content of copper.
  2. Copper is not present in free state as it forms intermetallic compound with Zn and Al.
  3. Easily oxidised surface of ZA-27 prevents diffusion.

It is claimed that in the event of lubrication failures, bushings of ZA-27 will not score the shaft, no welding of bearing to the shaft will occur and the shaft will not suffer any embrittlement due to copper penetration.

There is no change in the texture even when ZA-27 is remelted several times, borings, turnings, scrap pieces can be remelted and recast without under going any deterioration in quality.

ZA-27 is less sensitive to load fluctuations thus suggesting its suitability as a bearing material for heavy static loads and those subjected to sudden and high impact loadings as are found in the case of cranes, road rollers, tractors, earth moving machinery, etc.


  • Mechanical and Physical Properties
  • Bearing Capacity Table of ZA-27
  • Comparison of ZA-27 with other Non-Ferrous bearing alloys
  • Comparison of wear on ZA-27 Bushings and other bronzes
  • Stress – Strain characteristic (CREEP)

Mechanical and Physical Properties.

Ultimate Tensile Strength MPa. 420-490
Yield Strength MPa. 378
Elongation % in 51mm. 2-8
Hardness BHN 90-120
Shear Strength MPa. 290-305
lmpact Strength Joules (6.35 x 6.35mm. Un notched bar) 15.2
Creep Strength MPa. (Stress to produce Creep rate of 0.01%/1000 Hrs. at 25º C) 70
Creep rate at 138 MPa. Stress (%1000 Hrs. at 20º C) 0.04
Density gms/Cm3 at 20° C. 4.7-4.9
Solidification Shrinkage % 1.26
Solidification Temperature range ° C. 480-580
Thermal Conductivity mm/mm/° C at 20-100° C (x 10-6.) 136
Thermal expansion W/m/°C at 70-140°C. 25
Electrical Conductivity %IACS 30.2
Endurance Limit (Fatigue Strength) MPa. 59
Fracture Toughness MPa. m½ 22
Energy to Fracture N M-1. 11×103
Stress to Fracture MPa. 149
Co-efficient of friction. 0.01-0.30

Bearing Capacity Table of  ZA-27.

(This table indicates the maximum bearing pressure permissible at specific sliding speeds with gravity drip feed lubrication)

Sliding Speeds Bearing Pressure
Metric British Metric British
1 Metre/Sec 200 Ft/Min 400 Kgs/Cm2 5690 Lbs/Sq. In.
2 Metre/Sec 400 Ft/Min 360 Kgs/Cm2 5120 Lbs/Sq. In.
3 Metre/Sec 600 Ft/Min 230 Kgs/Cm2 3270 Lbs/Sq. In.
4 Metre/Sec 800 Ft/Min 140 Kgs/Cm2 2000 Lbs/Sq. In.
5 Metre/Sec 1000 Ft/Min 40 Kgs/Cm2 570 Lbs/Sq. In.
6 Metre/Sec 1200 Ft/Min 25 Kgs/Cm2 350 Lbs/Sq. In.
7 Metre/Sec 1400 Ft/Min 14 Kgs/Cm2 200 Lbs/Sq. In.

The above table indicates that ZA-27 can be used in preference to Phosphorus Bronze, Gun Metal, Leaded Bronze and other alloys for both low and high speed applications and goes to prove its economy and efficiency in heavy and light engineering services.

Comparison of ZA-27 with other Non-Ferrous bearing alloys.

Specification Specific
Elongation Brinell
ZA-27 4.8 15 20 min. 2 min. 90/100
Gun Metal Lg2-C 8.7/8.8 8 12 min. 2 min. 55/66
Phos. Bronze 2B8 8.7 10 16 min. 1.5 min. 100
Phos. Bronze Pb 2-C 8.7 11 17 min. 3 min. 90 min.
Leaded Phos. Bronze LPB1-C 8.7 9 14 min. 1.5 min. 65/75
Leaded Bronze LB3 8.9 12 5 min. 60/70

Comparison of wear on ZA-27 Bushings and other bronzes.

Material Speed
Load Pressure
100 200 300
ZA-27 555 135 0.0005
850 175 0.0009
1420 200 0.001
Phos. Bronze 500 130 0.0024
850 175 0.0039
1420 200 0.004

Stress – Strain characteristic (CREEP).

The ASME Boiler Code defines the allowable design stress as the load required to produce a secondary creep rate of 1%. in 1,00,000 Hrs. (11.4 Years). On this basis the design stress for ZA-27 is 70 MPa and thus ZA-27 can be recommended for many stressed applications at temperatures upto 150 ºC.

ZA-27 is ideally suited as a bearing alloy as the brinell hardness fails gradually with increase in temperature.
This insures longer life due to reduced wear.

Temperature Brinell Hardness
50 ºC 90 Min.
100 ºC 80 Min.
140 ºC 60 Min.
200 ºC 33 Min.

ZA-27 has better castability, lower density, improved strength, less wear in service, with regard to Brass and Bronze alloys.

ZA-27 has an as Cast U. T. S. of @ 425 MPa at room Temp. and drops to 380 MPa at 80 ºC and to 200 MPa at 150 ºC.

Temp. ageing also has no effect on the U.T.S. ageing at 95 ºC for 10,000 Hrs. (425 Days) results in a decrease to 370 MPa.

Elongation of ZA-27 shows a gradual rise with increase in Temp. and increases sharply above 100 ºC.

Applications of ZA-27

  • Machine Tools
  • Presses
  • Smelters
  • Internal Combustion Engines
  • Oil Lubricated Pumps
  • Generators
  • Rubber Industries
  • Heavy Engineering Industries
  • Refineries
  • Power Plants
  • Paper & Pulp Industries
  • Mining, Iron and Steel Works
  • Cement and Building industry
  • General Engineering Industries
  • Agricultural Machinery
  • Transport Industry
  • Oil Industries
  • Textile Industries
  • Chemical Industries
  • Railways
  • Aeronautics