
OilLess Bushes, Bush Bearings & Wear Plates
[Equivalents to
500 SP (Japan) and Lubo 500 (US) and their other Grades]

Mechanical / Physical Properties:

Test Item Self-Lubricating OilLess
Grade “ZA#500”
Self-Lubricating OilLess
Grade “ZA#1000”
Self-Lubricating OilLess
Grade “ZA#2000”
Specific gravity 8.2 g/cm2 4.9 g/cm2 8.9 g/cm2
Tensile Strength 785 N/mm2 [MPa]
/80 Kgf/mm2
420-490 N/mm2 [MPa]
/ 47 – 50 Kgf/mm2
1400-1490 N/mm2 [MPa]
/ 142 – 152 Kgf/mm2
Elongation 12% 2- 8% 8-10%
Compressive Proof Stress 390 N/mm2 [MPa]
/40 Kgf/mm2
Hardness 180 – 235 BHN 90-120 BHN 400- 500 BHN
Modulus of elasticity 110 kN/mm2 [GPa]
/11,224 Kgf/mm2
98,000 N/mm2 [MPa]
/10,000 Kgf/mm2
205 kN/mm2 [GPa]
/20,900 Kgf/mm2
Co-efficient of Friction 0.04 – 0.1 0.04 – 0.1 0.04 – 0.1
Thermal Conductivity 126 W/m/ oC at 70-140 oC

Material & Application:

Grade “ZA#500” Grade “ZA#1000” Grade “ZA#2000”
Base Material Copper Based Alloy with High Nickel. Zinc Based Alloy with Low Copper. Steel Based Alloy with High Chrome.
Application temperatures Upto 250 oC Upto 70 oC Upto 400 oC
Embedability Very Good Very Good Very Good
Working Conditions Can be used in sea-water applications. Not recommended for water applications. Most suitable for severe mining operations.
Lubricant Graphite as Non-Liquid Lubricant, Share 20-25%. Graphite as Non-Liquid Lubricant, Share 20-25%. Graphite as Non-Liquid Lubricant, Share 20-25%.


Material Data OilLess Grade “ZA#500”:

Test Item OilLess Grade “ZA#500”
Chemical Composition. Cu=55% Min. Al=3.0-7.5, Fe=2.0-4.0, Mn=2.5-5.0, Ni=0.5-1.5, Bal. =Zn
Co-efficient friction 0.04 – 0.10
Co-efficient of thermal expansion 1.6 – 2.0 x 10-5/ oC
Co-efficient of shrinkage 1.8 – 2.3%
Shear strength 560 N/mm2
Yield limit Rp 0.2 450 N/mm2
Elongation to fracture A5 8%
Stroking velocity 15 m/min
Alt. Flexural strength ±150 N/mm2
% of lubricant deposits to sliding surface 25% – 30%
Electric Conductance 7 – 8 m/(W x mm2)


Correlation of Surface pressure, Temperature, Speed and Lubrication:

OilLess Grade “# ZA 500”:

Surface Pressure Max. (N/cm2) Temp.(oC) Speed(m/min) PV valueN/cm2 x m/min Lubrication
2500 300 15 10,000 Initial
5000 80 15 10,000 Initial
2500 150 50 15,000 Periodic
2500 150 100 20,000 Pressure Lubrication


Material Data OilLess Grade “ZA#1000”:

Test Item

OilLess Bushes and Bush Bearings
Grade “ZA#1000”

Chemical Composition. Al=25 – 28%, Cu=2 – 2.5%, Fe=0.1%, Impurities=1%, Balance= Zn [Equivalent to UNS Z35841]
Ultimate Tensile Strength 420-490 MPa
Yield Strength 378 MPa
Hardness 90-120 BHN
Shear strength 290-305 MPa
Co-efficient friction 0.04 – 0.10
Temperature Conductivity 125.5 W/m/ oC at 70-140 oC
Thermal expansion 26 mm/mm/°C at 20-100 °C (x10-6)
Solidification Shrinkage 1.26%
Solidification Temp. Range 480-580 oC
Creep Strength MPa. (Stress to produce Creep rate of 0.01%/1000 Hrs. at 25 oC)    70
Creep rate at 138 MPa stress (% 1000 Hrs. at 20 oC) 0.04
Elongation to fracture % in 51mm A5 2 – 8%
Fracture Toughness 22 MPa. m ½
% of lubricant deposits to sliding surface 25% – 30%


Material Data OilLess Grade ZA#2000″:

Test Item

OilLess Bushes and Bush Bearings
Grade “ZA#2000”

Chemical Composition. C=0.98-1.1, Cr=1.45, Mn=0.35, P=0.025 Max., S=0.025 Max., Si=0.23, Bal.= Fe
Tensile Strength 1400-1490 MPa
Yield Strength 1650-1700 MPa
Hardness 400 – 500 BHN
Modulus of elasticity 200 – 205 GPa
Co-efficient friction 0.04 – 0.10
Thermal Conductivity 45-48 W/m-K
Co-efficient of thermal expansion linear 250°C 11.9 µm/m-°C
Co-efficient of shrinkage 1.8 – 2.3%
Shear Modulus strength 80 GPa
Electrical Resistivity 0.0000219 ohm-cm
Heat Capacity 0.475 J/g-°C
% of lubricant deposits to sliding surface 25% – 30%