(The Abrasion and Chemical Resistant Protective Coating.) Ultra-Coat is a matrix specially formulated mixture of Sapphire-hard spherical High Alumina Micro Beads doped in epoxy resin. Ultra-Coat is protective coating, providing a surface resistant to sliding abrasion and chemical attack (except Hydroflouric Acid).
Salient features Ultra-Coat is most ideal coating wherever high wear retards Production and Boosts Costs, such as Launder and Feed Chutes, Chute linings, Rod and Ball mills, Feed Plates, Pan Feeders, Conveyor Skirts and Buckets, Dust Collectors and Cyclones, Soil and Rock Box outlets, Hoppers, Classifiers, Pipe and Slurry line Elbows, Coal Exhausters, Chip Cyclones, ID fan housings in the Coal Power, Sand and Gravel, Grain, Mineral processing Chemical and Paper Industries etc.
Advantages –> Increases Equipment life Processs of Application ULTRA-COAT can be applied on any Ferrous-Non ferrous metals, ceramics, stone, concrete, plastics, wood etc. surfaces to convert them to sapphire hard, chemical and corrosion resistant. SURFACE TREATMENT : Before applying Ultra-Coat on any surface, clean the surface area thoroughly make it free from rust, grease, oil, paint etc. Roughen the surface with coarse-sand paper or sand blast with S.A. 2 1/2 grade sand blasting to ensure the surface is clean and rough enough for better adhesion. MIXING HARDENER TO FORM ULTRA-COAT : Take 96 % by wt. of Ultra matrix and add 4 % by wt. of hardener, gradually mix them with spatula, when Ultra-Coat forms thick paste of tooth paste consistency start applying on surface and finish the Ultra-Coat stock in 30 minutes, do not add any liquid or water for thinning. If thinning is required, we recommend to add in the matrix 0.5 to 1 0% xylene or acetone solvent. CURING TIME : After coating the surface with Ultra-Coat leave it for setting for minimum 6 hrs at ambient temp. Lower the ambient temp., longer the curing time, thick coating cures faster than thin coating due to build up of internal heat. If desired speedy setting, heat up the coated surface area gently at 50 to 60°C for 3-4 hours, after 24 hours of drying in room temperature Alumna-Coated surface will be serviceable. TO ENSURE SERVICEABLE SURFACE : To ensure, whether coating is properly cured or not, pierce your finger nail into the Ultra-Coat, if nail fails to pierce in, it indicates coating is cured and surface is serviceable, otherwise leave it for further period to cure up. CLEANING OF TOOLS : We recommend to clean tools mixing vessels etc. used in mixing Ultra matrix with Acetone or Xylene.
Chemical/Temperature resistant Chart for Ultra Coat
*R – Indicates Recommended Food Products
*R – Indicates Recommended
Typical Properties of Ultra-Coat
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Ultra-Coat?
Ultra-Coat consists 85% concentration of Aluminium Oxide sapphire hard spherical micro beads suspended in specially formulated epoxy resin.
What are the advantages of Ultra-Coat?
Ultra-Coat provides a protective coating, providing a surface resistant to sliding Abrasion and Chemical attack(except Hydroflouric Acid).
Where all can Ultra-Coat be applied?
Ultra-Coat can be applied on any ferrous/ non-ferrous metals, ceramics, stones, concrete, wood, etc. It is the most ideal coating wherever high wear retards Production and Boosts Costs, such as Launder and Feed Chutes, Chute linings, Rod and Ball mills, Feed Plates, Pan Feeders, Conveyor Skirts and Buckets, Dust Collectors and Cyclones, Soil and Rock Box outlets, Impellers, Hoppers, Classifiers, Pipe and Slurry line Elbows, Coal Exhausters, Chip Cyclones, ID fan housings in the Coal Power, Sand and Gravel, Grain, Mineral processing Chemical and Paper Industries etc.
Where all can Ultra-Coat be used?
Ultra-Coat thixotropic formulation permits both vertical and horizontal application and hence can be cast or moulded into a wide variety of shapes, patterns etc. and can be used at practically all places.
What is the Hardness of Ultra-Coat?
Ultra-Coat has a very high hardness 9 on mohs scale.
What is the curing time of Ultra-Coat Coating?
The setting time for Ultra-Coat is 6 hrs at ambient temperature. Lower the temperature, longer the curing time, thick coating cures faster than thin coating due to build up of internal heat. If desired speedy setting, heat up the coated surface area gently at 50° to 60° C for 3-4 hours, after 24 hrs of drying in room temperature Ultra-Coated surface will be serviceable.
Ensuring the surface serviceability?
To ensure, whether the coating is properly cured or not, pierce your finger nail into the Ultra-Coat, if nail fails to pierce in, it indicates coating is cured and surface is serviceable, otherwise leave it for further period for cure.
Can Ultra-Coat be used for patchwork?
Yes, Ultra-Coat can be used for patchwork also.
In what form is Ultra-Coat available?
It is available in the form of matrix and hardener, packed in easy to use containers.
How to mix matrix and hardener?
Mix 96% by Wt. of Ultra-Coat matrix with 4% by Wt. of hardener and gradually mix with spatula, when Ultra-Coat forms a thick paste of toothpaste consistency, it is ready for applying.
How can Ultra-Coat be applied?
Clean the surface thoroughly and make it free from rust, grease, oil, paint, etc. Roughen the surface with coarse-sand paper or sandblast. After ensuring that the surface is clean apply with a trowel.
At what temperatures can Ultra-Coat be used?
The safe operating temperature is 85°C but it can withstand temperatures as high as 150°C for short duration.
What is the coverage of Ultra-Coat?
The specific gravity of Ultra-Coat is 3.50 to 3.55. A layer of One Sq. ft. with 6mm thickness of Ultra-Coat weighs @1Kg.
What is the economics of usage of Ultra-Coat?
Although the initial cost may seem high, the basic economics of usage of Ultra-Coat is the fact that there is practically zero downtime, thus leading to enhanced production. The economical bonus is the fact that costly equipment does not corrode or errode. Thus replacement of parts are greatly reduced. Hence Ultra-Coat is highly economical, over a period of time.